Metal Online: The Empty Wilds

I never thought of myself as a voyeur.

But I guess that’s what you do as a detective; you watch people at their most private. And when you have firsthand access to their memories, it’s hard not to look where you’re not supposed to.

You see people fall in lust. Fall in love. Have group sex with all their friends… you know, the romantic stuff.

There was this guy who fell for a chick way out of his league. But they had the world in common. Same sense of humor, same taste in gory video-games, same nonchalance towards recreational sex.

Couldn’t help myself. Had to know if they beat the odds. Would their closeness blossom into something more? Or were they playing with fire?

Metal Online: The Empty Wilds is the 15,000 words ninth episode of a new LitRPG harem series. If you enjoy detective stories, fast-paced action, explicit sex, striking women, and the duality of virtual/real life, then you’ll love Blake Sky’s descent into a heavy metal infused dark fantasy world.



This book is intended for mature audiences. Definitely not for children. It includes detailed depictions of sexual situations.


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