
The GameLit Works of Neil Bimbeau


I discovered Neil in a niche market of male erotica targeted at geeks. In his bio, he describes himself as a graduate student from Vancouver, BC, specializing in experimental psychology. “When he’s not showing brainy co-eds their horny, submissive sides, he likes to work out some of his dirtier ideas on the page.” Although not very extensive, his bio tells you all you need to...

5 Best Sites For Free Erotica


I like sex. I talk about porn a ton; I write on the subject. I even supporter your right to watch anything you like. But I find that video porn is sort of limiting. My sensual, creative ability is immense, and I feel like videos are excessively prescriptive. They put images and activity before your eyes and that’s it. Which isn’t to say that porn isn’t exciting; sexual pictures...


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